Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Introduction Blog

    Hello, my name is Lucia. I am currently a sophomore in high school, and this will be my first year in AICE media. I joined this class because of my interest in the media of today and to learn about how what we put out there impacts others as well as ourselves. Furthermore, I would like to think of this class as an opportunity to see if I could be interested in a career "Film" or "Media" related to study during college. A lot of the modern media being produced and set out into our word today in my opinion is boring and uninteresting. I feel excited to learn techniques that will allow me to consume media in a far more active manner rather than just mindless scrolling. Hopefully with this class I'll become fluent in identifying what makes a production great and be better at avoiding films that aren't worth my time. All of middle school I partook in my schools Film classes and feel as though I excelled whilst it came to producing entertaining content. My teacher would reward our good work by displaying our short movies in the cafeteria for all students to enjoy, which made me really enthusiastic to try my best. Overall, I think this is a great class for me to explore forms of media and learn to analyze it as well. 

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2: Script

 Brief Preparation      The primary audience to our film is young adults and teenagers. This is because we chose to interpret the target of ...