Saturday, February 1, 2025

Transitioning into Cambridge Portfolio Project

    Hi Cambridge! Starting today my posts will be focused strictly on the development of my Final Cambridge Project. My pasts posts have helped me ease into learning all these media components and applying them to my tasks. In all honesty this transition is a little nerve wrecking because that means the final is fast approaching, regardless, I don't doubt I have been given the necessary tools to succeed. My past research and notes will certainly assist me on this path. With that being said, in order to transition into this project my class was given an introduction to film openings as well as a breakdown of their key characteristics, like identifying your approach and developing a clear purpose.
    My approach will consist of consulting my partner about which genre we want to do whilst keeping it a fiction film and clearly illustrating the genre's key conventions. Once that has been decided we will discuss which mis-en-scene elements we are going to use to ensure engagement with the audiences as well as cementing a tone. We are firstly going to focus on developing our characters and the effect of their actions, design, and dialogue.
     Otherwise, we will focus on developing the background to create the correct context ensuring that we will not have to rely on dialogue. We will have to decide which elements we will carry out through the opening and which of those are going to require emphasis as key elements.

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