Thursday, September 26, 2024

One Word Film

     The expectations for this project were to make a film based on a word that was randomly assigned to us. We had to convey that word, or emotion without using dialogue or any form of script, as well as, only having the option of using lyrical music. The film was only to last 60 or 90 seconds. During the brainstorming period me and my partner came up with various scenarios, that were NOT montages that depict out word. 

The storyboard me and my partner created helped us pre-visualize our film because we already had an idea of how we wanted every shot to look therefore whilst filming the was not any struggle. For this specific video I used adobe premiere for some color correction but ultimately finished editing on iMovie. In future projects I won't be satisfied with the first decent shot and will continue filming until I get my desired result, I feel that because we were working with sunlight, our time was limited.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

 In this assignment we were told to tell a story using 15 shots, in which we could use the same shot multiple times, to convey the tone of the story.

I decided to produce a dramatic story about my stapler feeling self-conscious and comparing herself to the other school supplies, fortunately she had her friend to support her and bring her up.

I chose each shot with hopes of emphasizing the importance and significance of each scene, by portraying emotion and setting a mood. I thought I used the low angles very well to show dominance in certain characters and in my stapler's case a newfound confidence. One thing I would like to change though would be that the low angles are a bit compromised due to how short my appliances were henceforth not giving the full effect. Another mistake I noticed is that there's one image in which the focus is mainly on the background rather than on the characters which is disappointing.

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2: Script

 Brief Preparation      The primary audience to our film is young adults and teenagers. This is because we chose to interpret the target of ...