Thursday, October 10, 2024

soundscape project

 During this lesson I learned about foley and the use of sound to create depth in films. For example, how emphasizing the sound of fabric friction might be an indicator to a stressful situation. What we were asked to create was a 2-minute scenario, in chronological order with no cuts, of something happening. We had to convey the scene using only sound and a black screen the entire time. We were given a maximum of seven words we could you to add context about what was happening. The instructions also dictated that we needed to include at least four foley made sounds and submit proof of them separately. Another direction given was that we could not use any sound that were already layered since it was expected of us. When it came down to the brainstorming me and my partner discussed how we didn't want to create something boring or basic and therefore landed on "haunted house". We then created an outline in which every scene was broken down into chronological order and what sounds would be used. The outline was a huge asset because we searched for the sounds verbatim to the outline and it helped us visualize in what moments every noise had to occur. While editing this project, we utilized adobe premiere because I am more familiar with this platform. I think the organization of sounds was pretty good and I'm very proud of that, but I wish I would have figured out the volume settings better because I realized later when I play it certain aspects that play a key role aren't as audible as I would have preferred. ValdesNewman_soundscape_per8.mp4

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2: Script

 Brief Preparation      The primary audience to our film is young adults and teenagers. This is because we chose to interpret the target of ...