Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing Project Process

    On this day, December 9th, my group and I have finished all but the music video. We began by discussing what our artist's brand would be about and what they aim to achieve with their position in the industry. That same day I begun working on the story board as the rest of my group got to together to break down the marketing plan and how we would introduce Dallas into the music industry. This class we finished everything we had left of the presentation, aside from the video, and begun taking pictures and thinking more in depth of exactly what we want to achieve with this music video. On Wednesday of this week we will be filming and then from Thursday to Friday editing until we will finally submit the final presentation.

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2: Script

 Brief Preparation      The primary audience to our film is young adults and teenagers. This is because we chose to interpret the target of ...