Since, for my film opening we have chosen the 'Horror' genre with this research I made sure to focus on the characteristics specific to creating the scary atmosphere. These films take advantage of peoples fear of the dark and use this overwhelming darkness to set the tone and mood for the film. With that being said I focused primarily on techniques involving the use of shadows since it is said they have the ability to trick the mind. I was very interested in the effects different techniques had on their audiences, so I also made sure to address that through different techniques.
Exposure plays a big role in film because the heavy manipulation of lighting can help conceal a character whilst still making it known that they are out there, creating a mysterious mood. This silhouette is created using backlighting and can be seen in The Exorcist as the priest is seen mysteriously exiting the premises. As well as in Psycho, with the same objective of engaging the audience's attention.
The Exorcist (1973)
Low-key lighting
Low-key lighting is the primary lighting style used in horror films. Using the shadows to create contrast is possible with low-key lighting. The other techniques I covered can also make advantage of these shadows. Low-key lighting highlights the production's emotion and tone while also fostering feelings in the audience, such as nervousness. Although similar to the previous technique, this type of lighting allows for more detail to come through like facial expressions, and clearer body language, which in some cases is needed to make the viewers feel more connected to the characters and as a result feel worry for them.
Selective lighting focus
This type of lighting allows for one focal point on the screen to be well lit whilst everything else remains obscure. By making only an aspect of the shot well lit is creates emphasis on that specific thing. For example in The Others, this is done to emphasize the girls expression and allows for the audience to get a feel for what is upcoming.
Overall, for we are attempting to accomplish I think we are going to focus on using mainly low-key lighting and selective lighting focus in order to convey the message of urgency within our film. We are going to take advantage of how early the sun has been going down and we will be filming strictly at nighttime.
Ltd, DBMA Ltd T/A Tutti Site built in partnership with SixBerries. “8 Great Horror Film Lighting Examples.”, 18 Oct. 2022,
Ltd, DBMA Ltd T/A Tutti Site built in partnership with SixBerries. “8 Great Horror Film Lighting Examples.”, 18 Oct. 2022,
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