As we come to an end of our production period me and my partner have begun editing. This is something I really looked forward to because I feel like editing is super fun and it always amazes me all you can do with the help of Adobe Premiere.
I began this editing journey by looking at our storyboard which helped me put all the essential clips as a guideline to the story. This was incredibly helpful due to the fact we ended up filming an abundant amount, most of which was somewhat improvised. With this in mind we decided that we would use the footage that looked best whilst still conveying our story in a fluid manner. As a result, we ended up with more footage than planned but that's always good.
I have some prior experience in editing thanks to my Film 1 and Film 2 classes I took in middle school, where my teacher allowed us to express ourselves creatively by answering all of our questions about how to use the app and even showing us alongside us. All of this has been a great help with all that I am aiming to do for our project. For example, I already know that I am going to have to tweak the colors on some of the clips because we had very different lightings within our different locations. Another thing I am working on currently is speeding up some of the credit tracking shots since it is a little slow and hard to watch since yarn is not all that interesting.
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