Creating our cast!
We took our time making sure that the characters we were including would be relevant and serve a purpose in the film.
When coming up with our protagonist we knew we wanted it to be someone essential to the film, who's actions had the ability to heavily influence their surroundings. At first, we thought to make Amber the lead but since she would ultimately die, we needed someone that was able to provide a resolution to the film.
When it came to naming this particular persona, we choose to keep them nameless to add mystery to his character. This person goes by "Detective J" and that is the only letter of his name given to the public. He values his privacy above all else and believes everyone is out to get him. We thought it would be very fitting to have the person responsible for solving the case of the disappearances be a mysterious individual himself.
He always appears serious and even when things are intended to be silly, he is the type of person to take everything literally. Apart from that, he has an impeccable work ethic and once he begins a new project it becomes very hard to persuade him to not put a pause on his everyday life. Because of this people often describe him as selfless but almost cold because he is incapable of showing compassion which is why most people use him as a last resort since most agree it is not enjoyable to work with him.
An essential part of our character, Detective J, is that he is only ever seen in professional attire. This includes his signature trench coat and his hat as well as his cork board since it acts like and escaped for him. All of these things happen because he is very OCD and needs everything to be organized in a way unique to him.
Amber is named after amber alerts and is meant to symbolize innocence and purity since most victims in these alerts are young children or oblivious teenagers. When alive she is a bubbly persona surrounded by people who love her. Her death is what causes the town to go into utter chaos because she was such a sweet kind girl.
She was a freshman high school student, barely 15, she participated in every club and was friends with absolutely everyone. She loved helping others and seeing them smile so she spent every afternoon volunteering at the senior center.
Benjamin moved from England just last year. He is super behind on everything so him parents are forcing him to volunteer at the senior center for service hours. He lived in the same neighborhood as Amber and therefore was asked to go drop off some papers at her house. He was always very lazy and rebellious, but he had a strong sense of intuition and therefore felt like he had to go.
When he arrived, he heard loud commotion coming from inside the house his curious nature causes him to further investigate, which is when he, unknowingly, makes himself the monster's next target.